Gracie was the narrator for her classes virtual storybook.
Quick unmasked picture with her teacher, Mrs. Centanni and class reading group. Goodbye 2nd grade! On to 3rd grade in an advanced placement school for these 3.
Benny and the Jets
Our little reader
Girlscouts and last meeting with this troop.
Matching Daddy
Gracie made a dog and named him Tiedye
Tiedye wanted something to eat I guess
Picnics by the lake
Cicada crossing
Tomato planting
Beach with Papa Dave
Daddy and his sailboat!
Strawberry picking day. Grandma Donna had a lot!
Our birthday girl turned 8!
Out with the old, in with the new! Ben watches our car being delivered.
Massanutten VA with Grandma Cathy and Papa Bill
Junior Rangers
Happy Summer!